Thursday, October 25, 2007

a different war movie

There’s no doubt about it – Clint Eastwood is one heck of a director. Sayang nga lang at nakatapat nya si Scorsese who is Oscar's sentimental favorite this year. Otherwise he could have taken home the best director for a superb job in Letters from Iwo Jima.

If you are looking for action like what you’ve seen in the Platoon or any other war films, you might be disappointed. Coz in this film the guns started firing only after about an hour of quiet conversations and character presentation and development.

Very poignant ang scenes. Heartfelt. At talagang makiki-simpatya ka sa mga characters, lalo na sa bida who looks more like a pinoy teenager – in fact there are scenes na para syang pinaghalong Francis M and Romnick Sarmienta.

The story gave me a different perspective of war. Hindi ito yong tipo ng film where the bida is a very macho, rambo-like soldier who marches on to war without fear and shoots them all and comes home victorious.

On the contrary, it showed a very human picture of a soldier plucked from the peace of his home and thrown into a seemingly senseless fight that he doesn’t really believed in nor understood a bit.

Clint was so successful in capturing the drama of a war captured from the eyes of a young, reluctant soldier who refuses to die for a cause he doesn’t understand and instead be with her pregnant wife and tend to his bakery.

Ang galing! Bravo to Clint Eastwood. And bravo to the Japanese actors who did very well on the film.

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